By Gigi
Let’s see a show of hands if you agree: Many of us in New York are concerned that Arab schools are popping up and teaching more than Arab culture. We aren’t able to see the school’s full curriculum or list of text books used? If all that is being taught is Arabic, couldn’t that be done in the classroom of any public high school, in the same way that Spanish and French are taught? Why is it necessary to provide public funding for schools that emphasize any language or culture other than ours? Our tax dollars are being used to fund Arab-themed separatist schools. If such an accommodation were ever made for a Jewish or Christian community, the left leaning New York Times would be the first to scream its objections. The City’s public school system cannot even manage to effectively provide a minimal education to its extended student body, so why on earth is it expending time and resources on this folly in Brooklyn, New York? If the frigging Arab community values a madrassa education for its children, it is free to establish and fund their own private schools...preferably back wherever the hell they come from!!!!
New Yorkers are desperate for common-sense leadership and political correctness has gone too far!!!! Common sense once was the order of the day; but today, using common sense now brands us as racists and bigots. The reason for pushing through such schools is so that immigrant families may continue in their own culture without assimilating into America. So let’s get this straight—they willingly come here, so they must love our country, right? Because we live in the greatest country in the world; so why are they promoting education that teaches separatism and foments anger and hatred of American values and plants the seed for potential violence and terror in impressionable youth? Do you think Americans can do the same in their country, HELL NO!!!!
We need education that emphasizes our commonality; uplifts people and bring them together. And if they don’t agree, they are free to leave America.
By Gigi
Let’s see a show of hands if you agree: Many of us in New York are concerned that Arab schools are popping up and teaching more than Arab culture. We aren’t able to see the school’s full curriculum or list of text books used? If all that is being taught is Arabic, couldn’t that be done in the classroom of any public high school, in the same way that Spanish and French are taught? Why is it necessary to provide public funding for schools that emphasize any language or culture other than ours? Our tax dollars are being used to fund Arab-themed separatist schools. If such an accommodation were ever made for a Jewish or Christian community, the left leaning New York Times would be the first to scream its objections. The City’s public school system cannot even manage to effectively provide a minimal education to its extended student body, so why on earth is it expending time and resources on this folly in Brooklyn, New York? If the frigging Arab community values a madrassa education for its children, it is free to establish and fund their own private schools...preferably back wherever the hell they come from!!!!
New Yorkers are desperate for common-sense leadership and political correctness has gone too far!!!! Common sense once was the order of the day; but today, using common sense now brands us as racists and bigots. The reason for pushing through such schools is so that immigrant families may continue in their own culture without assimilating into America. So let’s get this straight—they willingly come here, so they must love our country, right? Because we live in the greatest country in the world; so why are they promoting education that teaches separatism and foments anger and hatred of American values and plants the seed for potential violence and terror in impressionable youth? Do you think Americans can do the same in their country, HELL NO!!!!
We need education that emphasizes our commonality; uplifts people and bring them together. And if they don’t agree, they are free to leave America.