Front Street

Friday, January 05, 2007

By Gigi

Do any of you use the trains and buses as often as I do? Ya do? Then I know you can relate to what I’m about to say: RIDER RUDENESS!! It’s a brand new year and still my fellow New Yorkers continue to exhibit a lack of decorum almost on a daily basis. I have to contend with: Door Blockers, Litterbugs, Noisy Gum Chewers, Seat Hogs Napping, Leg Sprawlers, Loud Cell Phone Yakkers, people who bring on their shopping carts or 2-3 suitcase bags for me to trip over, women putting on make-up or taking down their hair OR god forbade…I’m inhaling nail polish fumes until I almost pass out and an assortment of unwashed smelly people (and no I’m not talking about the homeless) with stinking breath! And then there are people who must bring and proceed to eat their breakfast (or dinner…depending upon the time of day) on rapid mass transit.

In this MTV/VH1/BET culture—rude, crude and obnoxious behavior rules the day. What ever happened to showing common courtesy to your fellow human being? The lack of manners today is ridiculous; just this morning, as I hung on for dare life to my straphanger as the #36 bus careened down the hill while making a sharp turn, this man with a huge backpack on his back, almost knocked me over as he move down the aisle. “Are you going camping or to work?” I yelled loudly. We’ve gone way beyond the ‘Me Generation’ . We’ve become the ‘Screw You Generation’. I’m tired of seeing grown-ass men not offering seats to the elderly, pregnant or to just any female riders in general. And where I live, they charge and knock over hundred year old women like linebackers just to get a damn seat. What’s up with that? And I swear, if I have to squeeze by another Door Blocker, who refuses to move the hell out of the way…or the idiots who start getting on the train before I can get off, I’m knocking all your asses over!!!

Also, I would like to mention something about pole huggers, who wrap themselves around the poles like they’re in love with it and therefore it’s their personal property, when in fact it was designed for numerous standing commuters. And I haven’t forgotten you tone deaf singers, singing along to your ipods; you pumpkin and sunflower seed eating people that spit your wet shells for others to step on…there—I’m feeling much better now. Happy New Year!


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