Front Street

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

By Gigi

It is said that the root causes of all our difficulties is: human selfishness, mistaken order of values and sin. We need a new way of thinking about ourselves, about our relationship with the world and with God. In the news and daily publications, human suffering, violence, starvation, poverty, disease and war is reported daily—not to mention the pollution of our waters, air and land.

When Jehovah created us, he envisioned a world of beauty and harmony; he created the world, making it every part an expression of his wisdom and love. Humans were created in his image and likeness; he gave us dignity, an immortal soul, self-awareness and freedom. But we sinned by disobeying him, and thereby rejecting his design for creation. So the original harmony of creation was destroyed; that was the first sin.

But as time marches on, the social and environmental crisis the world is facing is proof that we’re still betraying the mandate Jehovah has given us. Even still, I say no, God has not abandon us—but we as a race of people have lost our way. It is God’s hope and will that we eventually find our way and realize his original mandate—to bring about a relationship between not only God and mankind, but also mankind and the natural environment, which God entrusted to us to guard with wisdom, love and respect.

It is also God’s hope and will that the world be free of degradation, violence and blood shed; that we return to the power of prayer to enlighten us regarding our duty to respect


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